Let's All Put It To A Vote!

16 reasons representative government should be replaced by direct democracy

1. Representatives often pass laws that are blatantly not in the interest of the majority.
2. Gerrymandering exists.
3. Legislative bodies are mathematically unrepresentative.
4. Minority vote can lead to majority rule.
5. First-past-the-post enables the spoiler effect.
6. Representative systems have limited options.
7. Politicians are allowed to break their promises.
8. People would rather make their own decisions.
9. Currently, lawmaking is slow and expensive.
10. Most politicians run for office with the goal of something they believe in, which does not necessarily reflect the interests of the majority.
11. Representative systems favour the rich, most often intentionally.
12. Direct democracy would likely increase interest in politics, and in turn, voter turnout.
13. Sometimes, none of the candidates are good choices.
14. Local issues should (usually) be decided locally.
15. Under the current system, outdated laws are often allowed to remain.
16. "Party solidarity" suppresses freedom of speech/opinion.

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Instead of representatives making laws, most laws should be decided directly by public vote.