Thanks, But No Thanks(giving)

6 reasons Canada must abolish Thanksgiving immediately

1. It's racist toward indigenous peoples.
2. Christians are no longer the majority of Canadians.
3. Even if they were, religion has no rightful place in politics.
4. Thanksgiving is not as popular in Canada as it is in the US.
5. Every government holiday costs money.
6. Most importantly, Thanksgiving is incompatible with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Thanksgiving is an outdated holiday, long overdue for abolition. By allowing this racist holiday to continue to exist, Canada is failing in its own constitutional duties of freedom from discrimination.

Personally, I believe Thanksgiving should be not only abolished, but also criminalized. As in, it should be made illegal to observe in any way, even in the privacy of one's own home. But one miracle at a time, right?

Reason 1: It's racist

Thanksgiving celebrates white colonialism, and by extension, the murder of millions of innocent people. Between 1500 and 1900, North America's indigenous population decreased by an estimated 95%. Contrary to popular belief, only a tiny fraction of these deaths were via direct violence; the vast majority were caused by Old World diseases such as influenza, smallpox, and tuberculosis.

Racism has no rightful place on the planet. Due to its racist origins, Thanksgiving should be permanently abolished. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides for freedom from discrimination on a wide range of grounds, including ethnicity. Therefore, it is genuinely amazing that the holiday has yet to be ruled unconstitutional.

Reason 2: Christians are no longer the majority

A holiday devoted to thankfulness made sense when Christians were the overwhelming majority of Canadians. However, in the diverse country that is 21st-century Canada, it is clear that Thanksgiving has overstayed its welcome.

Note that I am not fighting against Christmas as a holiday. This is because its commercial traditions are extremely popular among Christians and non-Christians alike.

Reason 3: Religion and politics

We are overdue for a complete, worldwide ban on laws with any sort of religious basis. All religions have the right to be treated equally. Furthermore, all religions including Christianity teach forgiveness and tolerance of others. If you have the right to your beliefs, then so does everyone else.

Reason 4: Canada vs. the US

The US has seen many anti-Thanksgiving arguments for various reasons. To my knowledge, though, there has never been one in Canada; mine is the first. But I think it's likely to succeed, given that Canadians don't treat Thanksgiving as the huge occasion Americans see it as. Which means, it won't be missed as much as its American counterpart.

Reason 5: The cost

Canada has an excessive quantity of statutory holidays. Each one costs the government money, which is of course paid for by taxing the citizens. Therefore, it only seems natural to abolish at least one holiday, so that tax money may be used more efficiently. The most logical choice is to do away with Thanksgiving, due to its racist origins and general outdatedness.

Reason 6: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Canada's newest holiday was introduced in 2021, in light of the discovery of 215 indigenous children's graves in Alberta. Therefore, the continued existence of Thanksgiving is downright hypocritical. (Also, it seems an odd choice to have two unrelated holidays that can be as little as a week apart, as happened in 2023.)