Fighting for Change

Welcome to my website where I share my thoughts and ideas on activism, direct democracy, and positive change. Join me in the fight for a better Canada and a better world. All of my causes are linked to one common goal: universal justice.

This page lists my causes. Because not everyone is interested in reading through my long arguments, here I have given each cause a simple blurb in "problem/solution" format.

Note also that each petition has multiple "levels" of detail.

Level 1: The basic description and list of reasons, with a summary at the bottom of the page.
Level 2: Some supporting information for each reason.
Level 3: Specific information on each reason, plus counter-arguments to show that I have researched both sides.
Level 4: (Under construction.) Detailed information on each reason and counter-argument.

person holding there is no planet b poster
person holding there is no planet b poster

Direct democracy.
Problem: Not all laws reflect the interests of the population.
Solution: Laws should be decided by public vote. (With certain limitations, that is. For example, racism, sexism, and homophobia should be permanently banned.)

Luxuries-only capitalism.
Problem: Hunger and homelessness still exist.
Solution: The bare minimums of food, water, clothing, and shelter should be provided to those in need. Free markets for luxury items, including luxury food and housing, should remain.

Universal insurance.
Problem: Crime and disaster victims are not always taken care of.
Solution: Victims of theft and other crimes, as well as disasters such as house fires, should have the right to be compensated.

New Year celebrations every year.
Problem: Vancouver cancels its New Year celebrations too often.
Solution: Future festivities (including makeups for past cancellations) should be crowdfunded and staffed by volunteers. (And yes, I would gladly volunteer.)

Going green.
Problem: Pollution is out of hand.
Solution: We as a global society should do better.

Proportional fines.
Problem: Some content creators abuse their artistic privileges.
Solution: There should be minor censorship reforms in the interest of audiences.

Open prisons.
Problem: The prison system used in Canada (and most of the world) is problematic, as it does not rehabilitate criminals.
Solution: Canada should implement the open prison system.

Down with Thanksgiving.
Problem: Thanksgiving is a racist, outdated holiday.
Solution: Canada should abolish it.

Audiences' rights. (Coming soon.)
Problem: Some content creators abuse their artistic privileges.
Solution: There should be minor censorship reforms in the interest of audiences.

More causes are coming; stay tuned.